As winter gives way to spring, spring is a time for both nature and people to spread the wings. Nature sprouts green buds and sheds the winter's dust as the fresh spring energey takes hold. Our bodies react in numerous ways in the attempt to adapt to these changes. As far as we can tell, one of the most common reactions is an allergy. Allergies can also be brought on by certain foods, medicines, chemicals, and other things. Allergies are believved to be closely related to immunity, which is a natural autoimmune system as the defensive mechanism in our bodies. It automatically responds to outside stimuli or substances that are absorbed into the body, releasing histamine to signal that something has changed in the body by creating symptoms like swellings, skin irritability, indigestion, coughing, sneezing, itching, runny nose, watery eyes, etc. Each person's level of sensitivity to these allergens differs, and those with compromised immune systems, asthma, or other respiratory...