Why Planning is important before Pregnancy: Your Health before Conception shapes Your Baby's Future!
Mary sat across from me in my clinic with her eyes glowing with the excitement of possibility. "We decided to try for a baby!" she exclaimed, "So... what should I do now?" I smiled, appreciating her enthusiasm. "Have you been preparing your body for pregnancy?" She blinked, puzzled. "I mean... we just decided and would make it. Isn’t that enough?" Her question, though innocent, reflects a broader societal oversight: yet when it comes to creating a new life, many simply assume that conception is a matter of chance, not preparation. But in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), and increasingly in modern research, we know that the months leading up to conception shape not only fertility but the long-term health of the child. The Missing Puzzle Piece in Parenthood Dr. Aviva Romm, a Yale-trained physician and midwife, states in her book The Natural Pregnancy Book that “a woman’s health three to six months before conception can profoundly impact the he...