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Does Acupuncture/TCM herbs assist to reduce pain following lumbar surgery?

 "I had a lumbar fusion performed five years ago with the hope that the discomfort would subside. But now when I move, every part of my body hurts and aches. My shoulders and neck are hurting as well. Should I seek TCM or acupuncture to treat my discomfort, or another surgical procedure again?" 

Pain syndrome

If you experience persistent pain following a lumbar fusion for a disk herniation, it is referred to as a pain syndrome. In this instance, the pain does not lessen; rather, it persists. Following surgery, pain temporarily subsides and then resurfaces, sometimes accompanied by various new symptoms or even numbness in the legs.

Why does pain persist following surgery?

There are many reasons for persistent pain in the post-operative condition such as when a needless surgery was done, when the lumbar surgery resulted in tissue adhesion or nerve damage, when the surgical fusion’s metal plate caused problems, when the underlying causes of pain was left unresolved, or when improper lifestyle, posture, mobility are still continued.

Re-surgical option

Re-surgery can be considered as an option when pain persisted. However, caution should be exercised because the unfavorable pain syndrome may return following the procedure. Following surgery, persistent discomfort indicates weakening of the lumbar and surrounding tissues. In this situation, an additional surgery will almost certainly result in pain syndrome. Re-surgeries can result in difficulties and side effects, especially for the elderly, those with high blood pressure, diabetes, or chronic illnesses. As a result, choosing to have a second operation needs cautious consideration.

Choosing Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture to treat & manage pain syndrome

It is advised to think about non-surgical TCM treatments for pain syndrome. TCM care focuses more on the underlying causes of lumbar pain than on the pain itself. What are the Keys for treating lumbar pain in TCM? It enhances the healing of the surrounding muscles, tissues, ligaments, and tendons to stabilize the surgical site. As well as strengthens the weakening spine, discs, and surrounding tissues to stop any recurrences.  

TCM pain management modalities for post-operative pain syndrome

ACUPUNCTURE – relieving tightness/tension of post-operative muscles/tendons

ESTIM - relieving and relaxing muscle tensions

TUINA – restoring an unbalanced spine and surrounding             tissues following surgery

HEAT Therapy – improving Qi/blood circulation by relaxing muscles

CUPPING – warms and promotes the flow of Qi/Blood

BLEEDING – releases heat and promotes the circulation

MOXIBUSTION – warms, relaxes, and promote the circulation

MAGNET – balances Yin/ Yang in the body

SINEW Treatment – stimulates muscle layers and releases stagnations

HERBAL SUPPLEMENTS – helping to relieve swelling and blood stasis, as well as remove any collected phlegm at the surgical site

HERBAL INJECTION – reducing swelling and providing immediate pain relief following surgery

Rehabilitation and better life style to improve autogenic power as the top priorities for care

There are emotional, mental, and physical costs associated with even minor surgery. Following surgery, it is important to pay attention to your diet, exercise routine, lifestyle, and medical care to reduce the risk of complications or side effects. Walking and swimming are good physical activities that strengthen muscles without putting too much strain on the spine.

Cause of jaw pain by the spinal imbalance 

Because of their systemic connections, lumbar discomfort can also induce pain in the jaw, shoulders, neck and vice versa. Jaw joints move based on the cervical upper spine. Chewing food can be painful and uncomfortable if your cervical spine has tension and its muscles are tightened. It is because the jaw joints and the skull bones are linked, abnormalities in them may result in secondary problems such headaches, dizziness, tinnitus, facial asymmetry, and ocular fatigue. Moreover, a spinal imbalance can also involve issues with muscles, ligaments, tendons of trapezius, erector and surrounding muscles. These issues can result in pain/discomfort in the neck, shoulder, and lumbar regions due to needless stress. Tensed muscles can compress blood vessels and disrupt blood flow, which can result in headaches and vertigo. It is crucial to determine whether your other aches are related to your lumber pain as a result. They can be treated through TCM treatments together in this situation.

For a healthy diets TCM herbs to relieve lumbar pain 

It is advised to consume adequate calcium and potassium through your food intakes, as these nutrients can fortify the bones/joints that are linked to the intervertebral discs. 

Good Foods - TCM Herbs for lumbar/joint pain

1.     Sweet potato – sweet, tonifies Qi, Blood, Yin, eliminates toxins out of the body

              Although sweet potatoes are associated with diets, they are                   also a good source of beta-carotene, Vit.C, potassium, and                   calcium. Being an alkaline diet, it is beneficial for obesity and               adult diseases. Additionally, potassium, which makes up                       around 40% of the mineral content, aids in the excretion of                   sodium and the absorption of calcium, making it a typical bone-           healthy food that is beneficial for herniated discs. 66.3% water,            31.2% carbohydrate, and 1.4% protein make up a sweet potato.

2.     Bone Broth & Crucible Soup – tonic for the Kidneys

Crucible soup’s chondroitin sulfate and calcium promote healthy bone movement and help ward off osteoporosis and strained discs.

3.     Shiitake Mushrooms –sweet, Qi/Blood-boosting & phlegm-resolving

Its anti-inflammatory qualities aid in the healing of strained discs and strengthen the immune system and Vit.D., which aids in the absorption of calcium for health bones. 

4.     Chives – tonifies Yang

Chives help the body draining and promoting circulation, and persistent back discomfort. 

5.     Brown rice – tonifies Qi/Blood, circulates blood, & disperse cold

Brown rice is a fantastic source of calcium, phosphorus, potassium, vitamins, and other minerals that help build strong bones and muscles.

6.     See foods & eggs, salmons, mackerel

TCM herbs beneficial for lumbar/joint pain 

1.     Gou Qi Zi/ Goji Berry – enriches the Liver & Kidney Yin, Moistens Lung Yin

Goji berry is well known for sore back/legs, abdominal pain, impotence, and nocturnal emission. In addition to being a healthy eye tea, it is also utilized as a health juice to treat back and knee pain. When used to treat cirrhosis and chronic Liver inflammation, it is also well-known for lowering inflammation and improving Liver function. 

2.     Cow joint root – tonifies Qi/Blood, circulates blood, relieve joint pain

Cow joint root has been used as a herb for millennia to cure conditions affecting the Kidneys, Liver, and bones. It has also been used to darken hair to stop hair loss and to strengthen the lower back, muscles, and lower limbs. 

3.     Du Zhong – tonifies Yang

It supports bone and sinew strength. Additionally, it cures back and knee pain, improve the brain function, and stops uterine bleeding brought on by Kidney or Liver deficiencies. Due to its ability to warm the body, it enhances blood circulation, and facilitates smooth blood flow. Du Zhong is beneficial for joints. 

4.     Wu Jia Pi – dispel wind/damp

It changes moisture and lessens edema in addition to fortifying the bones and sinews. It is an effective herb for pain of low back, knee, and limb spasms. 

5.     Chuan Xiong – activates the blood and promote the blood flow/Qi, alleviate pain

It helps with regular muscle spasms and skeletal weakness in the legs and back. Its analgesic qualities aid in lowering inflammation and pain while promoting circulation. For this reason, this herb is beneficial for treating joint discomfort, headaches, and vertigo. 

While acupuncture, TCM herbs, and foods are helpful in improving back pain, it is also crucial to maintain a regular balance in your diet, regular exercise, and other therapies. To keep your routine balanced, it is essential that you locate a qualified practitioner and start holistic pain management.                        
