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10 Mysteries of the Human Body


Helen Hong, LAc, Dipl, Ch, PhD.


1. 1 square inch of skin has 19,500,000 cells, 1300 muscle fibers, 78 nerve fibers, 650 sweat pores, 100 sebaceous glands, 65 hairs, 20 blood vessels,178 heat sensors and 13 cold sensors.

2. Why don't I keep getting sick?  
Leukocytes are not the only cells that defend the body by attacking bacteria and other foreign substances that enter the body. There are also lymphocytes and macrophages that do the same. These cells are called macrophages, but it has recently been discovered that macrophages in this genus play a very important role in immunity, and not just for killing enemies. These 'macrophages' are said to recognize the antigens that they have eaten, and then pass them on to the immune system. In other words, the macrophage kills the first enemy it encounters, and then analyzes its personality and weaknesses and relays them to the immune system. The immune system then creates antibodies (immune cells) targeted at the enemy (antigen) and reinforces the battle lines so that when it is reintroduced, it can quickly fight back and defeat it. The more active these macrophages are, the more immune the body naturally is. This has the potential to prevent incurable diseases such as cancer, which is why immunology is of great interest today.

3. The human brain weighs 1417 grams

    22.8 billion brain cells

    A man's heart weighs 283 grams

    5.7 liters of male blood volume

    60% of a man's body is water

    18% fat mass in a man

    The woman's brain weighs 1276 grams

    19.3 billion brain cells

    A woman's heart weighs 227 grams

    Female blood volume 5.5 liters

    54% water in a woman's body

    28% fat mass in a woman

4. linking protects the eyes and smoothes the cornea, and each blink takes 1/40th of a second. We blink an average of 15 times a minute, 900 times an hour, and 300,000,000 times during our lifetime.

               5. All humans have a small amount of iron (Fe) in their noses to help them orient themselves on Earth, which has a large magnetic field. We use this to orient ourselves in the absence of light.

                6. 80% of the body's heat escapes through the head, so it's better to wear a hat than socks to keep your feet warm.

                7. Bone tissue is constantly dying and being replaced by other tissue, so once every seven years, all the bones in your body are replaced.

                8. A woman's egg is the largest cell in the human body. The sperm is 85,000 times the size of the egg. When sperm are diluted and placed in a tube and a small current is passed through them, X sperm are collected at the cathode and Y sperm at the anode. This principle makes it possible to control the sexes, but it is prohibited by law.
                    9. The human brain cannot feel pain. Sometimes headaches come from the muscles that surround the brain

                   10. It takes 13,000 parts to build a car, 3,000,000 parts to build a 747 jetliner, and 5,000,000 parts to build a space shuttle, but the human body has 100 trillion cellular tissues, 25 trillion red blood cells and 25 billion white blood cells.

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