Do you have concerns about lipoma? Come and receive treatments to get rid of it!
Naum Acupuncture, NJ
Acupuncture is renowned for its effectiveness in managing various conditions. Its application in reducing lipomas is an emerging field of research.
If fat builds up as a result of inefficient fat metabolism, it signals a weak liver. Fat can be removed rather than accumulating, however, if blood circulation is smooth despite weakened liver function. In this case, there are indications of inadequate blood flow together with a weak heart.
Several studies have explored the potential of acupuncture in addressing lipomas, yielding promising outcomes. For example, a recent case study conducted by Dr. Liu announced the effects of acupuncture treatment on lipoma size and found a reduction in its dimensions after 8 acupuncture sessions. Clinical investigations also suggest that moxibustion and cupping may also be effective in reducting fat accumulated in the lipoma.
These findings suggest that acupuncture not only addresses the physical appearance of lipoma but also provides relief from discomfort. According to conventional Chinese medicine, lipomas are closely related to the body's ability to eliminate waste.
On the other hand, fatty deposits that have accumulated beneath the skin can be released with the help of good skin breathing. In otherwords, if lung function is weak, lipomas can occur even if the liver and heart are healthy. If your kidneys, which regulate urine production, are in good shape, lipomas are less likely to grow because the liver can use the renal energy. The spleen's subpar capacity to break down body moisture is the cause of the imbalance between fat and the body's moisture levels, including blood and fluid.
Acupuncture treatment for
A lipoma is easily treated by performing surgery to remove it or by using suction or dissolving. Traditional medicine, however, tries to address the root issue in order to treat the lipoma. Acupuncture, moxibustion, cupping or electro-acupuncture can all be used to assist drainage. In some situations, herbal remedies can also be used to speed up the healing process.
Lipoma Home Remedies
1. Neem oil (Melia Azadirachta Indica Seed Oil) is an anti-oxidant, anti-fungal, and anti-tumor used for pest control, inflammation, infecions, fever, skin disorders, and dental problems traditionally in Ayruveda, Urani and Homeopathic medicine. The kernel of the fruit is used to produce beads
2. Flaxseed oil is also an anti-oxidant rich in omega 3 and 6 fatty acids, but users should watch out for potential side effects such diarrhea, constipation, or allergic reactions.
3. Cheekweed has been used for the treatment of skin disorders and viruses in traditional Chinese medicine. Vertigo, headache, contact dermatitis, trouble breathing, diarrhea, and nausea are unwanted side effects that need to be addressed with prudence.
4. Green tea powder has several advantages but is especially beneficial for detox.
5. Tumeric contains a natural compound named curcumin that is an anti-oxidant and anti-inflammtory property.
6. Dried sage is used to reduce fatted cells in TCM.
<> Make a paste
1-2 teaspoon of tumeric, cheekweed, green tea powder, or dried sage + 2-3 teaspoons of neem oil, flaxseed oil
<> Apply it to a lipoma and cover it with gauze. It may be left on while sleeping all night.
1. Rasberries, plums, citrus, green leafy vegetables, pumpkin, bell peppers
2. Fish omega 3s prevents lipomas from growing and reduce inflmmation.
<> Salmon and Tuna are a great source of omega 3 fatty acids and protein
<> Mackerel, Herring, and Trout are rich in omega 3s and Vit. B12
3. Reduce Red meat, but grass-fed, antibiotic and hormone free meats are rich in omega 3 and 6.
4. Chicken, Tofu, and Beans can be a good source for protein in place of red meat.
5. Better to take organic foods wtih less preservatives and additives that prevent the liver from expelling toxins accumulated in the fatty tissue of the lipoma.
Lipoma rarely posed a rick to your health, but you must keep an eye on it in case it starts to pain, swell or change in size. You must consult a doctor in that situation. Consulting with a qualified healthcare professional is essential for an accurate diagnosis and to develop a comprehensive treatment approach.
***Please be aware that the information presented here should not substitute for qualified professional medical advice.
1. Case Report: Lipoma reduced after 8 sessions acupuncture treatment
2. Traditional chinese medicine for treating lipoma
3. Kumar and Navaratnam (2013). Neem: Prehistory to
comtemporary medicinal uses to humankind. Asian Pac J Trop Biomed. Jul 3(7):
505-514. Doi:10.1016/S2221-1691(13)60105-7.
4. Neem oil- general fact sheet -
5. Neem oil - - oil
6. What is flaxseed oil?
7. The health benefits of checkweed
8. Tumeric benefits - Johns Hopkins medicine
9. 12 health benefits and uses of sage -
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